It's been one year since Ava Costa, a 14-year-old gymnast faced a life-changing injury during training that left her with limited movement below her point of injury.
In 2023 with your incredible support, we raised over $80k for Ava's recovery through the Walking with Ava Leotard, and since then, Ava has worked incredibly hard on her recovery.
As Ava continues to defy the odds, we're calling on the gymnastics community once again to join us in supporting her with the release of the new Made for Magic Leotard, aiming to raise even more funds for her recovery.
We sat down with Ava and her parents David and Randi to chat about how Ava is going one year since her injury.
Could you update us on how Ava and your family are doing one year since her injury?
"One year on and it’s still a massive adjustment to all our lives and it will always be hard to get our bearings. We are taking things day by day and there are still big transitions with house renovations, Ava’s recent surgery, adjusting to having carers look after Ava and establishing a new routine."
What are some of the milestones Ava has achieved in the past year of recovery?
"Ava has worked incredibly hard on her recovery. After being told that she would not be able to move anything from her shoulders down, she has worked tirelessly to recover any function possible. She found a new rehab centre and started moving and strengthening her upper body. She is working hard to achieve some independence in simple tasks such as pushing her manual wheelchair, sitting up in bed and feeding herself."
Could you give us some insight into some of the day-to-day struggles that Ava still faces?
"Daily struggles begin from the moment that Ava wakes up. The simplest tasks that are second nature to everyone, require a support team to help complete. From getting out of bed, to showering, to getting dressed all require assistance. Acquiring a traumatic injury like Ava’s demands changes and adjustments."
How did the money we raised last year help Ava and your family?
"We are so grateful to the support of Sylvia P, the gymnastics and wider community where funds raised were used on Ava’s rehabilitation and transport equipment which enabled her to commence her journey to independence."
What do the next few months look like for Ava and her recovery?
"Ava is 2 weeks post nerve and tendon transfer surgery in her upper limbs so we are looking forward to her scars healing and working with therapists to assess what function and strength she can regain. The recovery from this operation is very slow and difficult, but we will support Ava during this tough time."
Is there anything you’d like to say to our community?
"Thanks so much for the continued support and positive vibes for Ava. She loves still being part of the gymnastics community and we are super grateful for the funds raised as it gives Ava the best chances for her recovery."